Hello 👋 I’m Sarah Scussel.
I’m a Bay Area product designer, currently leading a team at Scribd.
I love my job at Scribd, where I have the privilege to work with a team of hard-working and talented designers. The people I work with are smart (like, way smarter than me), and passionate about creating great experiences — I couldn’t ask for a better group — and my top priority is making sure they’re happy and productive in their roles just like I am.
where it all started
I started out at a branding agency in Chicago and, because it was small, I was able to take full ownership of the design process. I loved the challenge of leaning into areas I’d never worked in before like project management, video production, copywriting, and pitching to clients. It wasn’t until I moved to San Francisco a few years later that I dove head-first into the world of UX, research, and data.
My first UX job was at Markkit, a tiny startup, where, again, I owned the end-to-end process. I led a small team, and fell in love with the space that startups give creators to fail fast and iterate. I still carry around the lessons I learned there, about design, human behavior, data analysis, and winning and failing as a team.
Since then, I’ve taken advantage of opportunities that allow me room to grow, and a healthy ownership of the process and user experience.
life outside of work
When I’m not working, you’ll probably find me hiking, working on DIY projects, traveling, or watching trashy tv. And if you’ve made it this far and still want to know more, send me a message.